Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Faith in Progress

Here's another go at the Faith tattoo that I started the other day. I decided to take photos as I went this time to show you the progress of how the drawing came together.

I started with a few lines to keep the letters a little more uniform. Then I drew the letter 'i' as it is in the middle of the word 'Faith' and also that it's the base for all the other letters to work from. Then I traced the 'i' and used the stencil to place the back line for the 'a' and for the bottom of the 't' so it would be evenly spaced.

Then I sketched in the body of the 'a' and found the right height of the 't'. Then using tracing paper, I copied the 't' to start the 'h' then had a few goes at drawing a curly line to cross the 't' and join onto the 'h'.

Then came the 'F'. I started with the body of the letter, and then sketched in the curly lines all around it. As you can see by the rubbed out lines, it took a few goes to get it the way I wanted. Then once I was happy with the formation, and the thickness of the lines, I attacked it with a fine line pen.

Again, I carefully drew around the outside of the entire word, rather than outlining each individual letter. This worked really well where my pencil work was clear, but was a bit more challenging in the areas that weren't as clear, more rushed and sketchy looking.

Lastly I shaded the top and bottom of each letter with a 2B pencil, blending it in and leaving the middle of each letter white to give it a shiny effect. I couldn't decide where to dot the 'i', so I left the dot out. Next time I would extend the cross of the 't' a bit more, to leave room for the dot above it.

Things for me to work on:
* more precise thickness of the lines in pencil work
* more precise pen work using a steadier hand
* curlier curls

Thanks for stopping by.

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