Thursday, October 21, 2010

The portrait era begins

And now it's time to try drawing some portraits. I'd love to be able to do black and grey portraits really well, like Kat Von D. There are so many BAD portrait tattoos out there... I really hope I never add to them.

This is my Pop from when he was in a motorcycle club in his younger days. Drawn in HB pencil. I haven't finished the background yet as I'm not 100% set on that particular style of frame on the portrait. The old photograph proved to be tricky to catch the finer details of areas like the eyes. I will have to look into how to translate the tones of an old dark photograph into a better-balanced portrait.

I'm taking requests for portraits, if you have any loved ones or portraits that you would like to have drawn. If you want to email me the photo, or upload it onto a website and give me the link. I'll do my best!


  1. P.S. Don't tell Jane I was up so late drawing :p

  2. Haha I took one look at it this morning and knew it took longer than your 'only half an hour' :P Love you so much my talented husband! :)
